May 1940

No.75 (NZ) Squadron, Feltwell.


May 1.
Four aircraft stood by to carry out a bombing raid on STAVANGER aerodrome Norway. At 1545 hours the target was changed to RYE aerodrome in DENMARK, for which the crews were to be briefed at 1700 hours. While assembled at 1700 hours for briefing the target was again changed to the Dutch Island of TEXAL where it was expected that an attempt by Germany to invade Holland may take place. Crews stood at one hrs notice from 1700 hrs until 2050 hrs, when all crews stood down.

A cross country flight of 3 hrs duration was carried out by one aircraft P9207 with Flying Officer Lucas. F.J. as Captain.

May 2.
Nothing of importance occurred today.

Two aircraft R.5159 P/O Freeman (Capt) and P.9210 F/O Lucas (Capt) carried out cross country flight of 3 ½ hrs duration. Six aircraft in two sections of three carried out formation flying practice for 1 ½ hrs.

May 3.
Three crews stood by to carry out a security patrol between the German Islands of BORKUM and NORDERNEY to prevent German Mine laying aircraft from operating, as detailed in Form “B” 128 dated 2nd May.1940. On order from No. 3 Group crews cut from 3 to 2. One aircraft R3157 F/O. Collins took off and set course for BORKUM, but recalled after 30 mins due to rapid deterioration of weather. Second aircraft did not take off.

Air firing programme arranged at Berners Heath, and was successfully carried out.

One Mark 1 Wellington aircraft L.4340 Despatched to No.22 M.U. Silloth by Air. Allotment No. 419/1841 dated 17/4/40.

May 4.

Two aircraft carried out Air firing and High level bombing programme arranged at Berners Heath. Successfully carried out.

One Mark 1C Wellington aircraft L.7797 received from Messrs. Vickers Armstrong Chester by air, for use by this Squadron. Allotment No. E1/3538 d/d 18/4/40.

May. 5.

Three aircraft carried out local formation flying practice until 1225 hrs.

Postings Attachments etc.
F/O. J. Adams proceeded to Boscombe Down to attend VHF. Course No.3 Group Signal P.161 F/L. Collett W.I. G.D. Posted to this unit from 149 Sqdn. w.e.f. 5/5/40 (S/Ldr. Post). AS.Ldr.

May. 6.

1040. One aircraft practiced ZZ landings until 1210hrs.
1100. Two aircraft made trip to Stradishall, returning to Base at 1225 hrs.

One Wellington Mark 1C aircraft R.3171 recieved from 148 Squadron Stradishall by air, for use by this unit. Auth’y No.3G/S. Form “W” S/36, dated 6/5/40.

May. 7.
1905. As contained in Form B.129 three aircraft took off with the intention of bombing STAVANGER aerodrome. Due to target area being covered in cloud operation had to be abandoned, although a wide sweep was made of the area, but in vain. Bombs were jettisoned “live” approximately 150 miles out on return journey.

020.00 All aircraft landed safely at Base.

Aircraft.                 Captain.                                 Raid No.                   Area.
R.3157.                  F/O. Collins.                           —                               STAVANGER Aerodrome
R.3159.                  F/O. Coleman.                      —                                         “                “
P.9209.                  F/O. Williams.                        —                                         “                “

1305 One aircraft carried out a Cross Country flight of 2 hrs duration.
1010 Three aircraft took part in Air Firing and Low bombing practice at Berners Heath.
1745 Successfully carried out and aircraft returned to base.

Surface Wind:      Winds variable less than 15 m.p.h. up to 6,000 feet.
Upper Wind:        2,000 – 6,000 ft 310 -330 degrees 15 -25 m.p.h,
Weather:              fair or fine for the greater part of the period with fog developing 2 or 3 hours before dawn.
Cloud:                   Nil to 3/10 inland, 3/10 – 5/10 on coast, at 2,000 – 3,000 ft clearing towards sunset.
Visibility.               2,000 -4,000 yrds locally at first later 6-10 miles decreasing to4,000 yrds by midnight and fog liable from 02,00 hrs onwards.

May. 8.

14.35 Two aircraft carried out cross-country flights of two hrs duration.

Surface Wind:      Light and variable.
Upper Wind:        2,000 – 6,000 ft 030 -060 degrees 15 -10 m.p.h,
Weather:               cloudy with local fog before dawn, risk of thunder.
Cloud:                   Variable 4/10 -10/10 above 3,000 ft, much high and medium cloud.
Visibility.                4-6 miles until midnight then falling to 2-4 miles, local fog inland towards dawn.

Temporary Duty.
P/O A.B. Charles proceeded to Grantham and returned same day for conference of Air Gunners.

May. 9.
Aircraft and crew (Capt. F/Lt. Breckon) returned from WICK on expiration of temporary duty.

1100 Three aircraft carried out local formation flying practice, completing same at 1540 hrs.

Surface Wind:      Light variable less than 20 m.p.h..
Upper Wind:        2,000– 6,000 ft light variable, less than 20 m.p.h.
Weather:              Fair, risk of thunderstorms in afternoon.
Cloud:                   6/10 -10/10 mainly 600-1000 ft at first, but soon lifting and breaking leaving a layer of cumulus or Cu.Nb. developing at about 2,000 feet.
Visibility.               6-10 miles.

May. 10.
2250 Three aircraft took off and carried out individual attacks on WAALHAVEN (ROTTERDAM) Aerodrome in accordance with instructions contained in Form “B” 132 of 10/5/40 Each aircraft carried 12-250lb. G.P. Bombs, all these being dropped successfully on Aerodrome surface and building. Large fires reported by all crews, very little A.A. fire encountered and searchlights feeble. No enemy aircraft seen, weather good and clear, but dark owing to absence of moon.

0250 All aircraft landed safely at Base on 11/5/40.

Aircraft.              Raid Serial No.                    Captain.
P.9212                   TCB189.                                  F/O. Williams.
R.3157.                  TCB.190.                                F/O. Collins.
P.9209.                  TCB.191.                                P/O. Williams.

1355 One aircraft carried out a cross country flight of two hours duration.

Surface Wind:      Winds variable, mainly Northeasterly less than 10 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        At 2000–6000ft. 060-100 degrees 10-20 m.p.h.
Weather:              Fair.
Cloud:                   Little or no cloud at first, then later 7/10-10/10 at 3000-5000ft dispersing slowly.
Visibility.              4-6 miles becoming 2-4 miles after dusk with local mist patches around sunrise 11/5/40.

The following officers posted from this unit to No.214 Squadron Stradishall w.e.f. 10/5/40.
A/P/O.   Rayner.W.N.                          G.D.
A/P/O.   Horley.W.G.                           G.D.
A/P/O.   Fletcher.G.E.                         G.D.
A/P/O.   Webster.S.W.                        G.D.

The following officers posted to this unit from No.214 Squadron w.e.f. 10/5/40.
P/O         Cameron.E.E.J.                       G.D.
P/O.        Gilmour.D.V..                        G.D.
P/O.        Macfarlane.M.H.                  G.D.
P/O.        McArthur.D.B..                     G.D.

May. 11.

1100 One aircraft carried out Cross Country flight of two hours duration.
1500 Three aircraft carried out Formation Flying Practice, until 1610 hours.

Surface Wind:      North to North East. 10 m.p.h..
Upper Wind:        2000–6000ft. 040 degrees 15 m.p.h.
Weather:              Fair.
Cloud:                   6/10 to 10/10 at 5000ft clearing and becoming 6/10 to 9/10 at 4000ft & above.
Visibility.               Good apart from occasional patches of coastal mist.

May. 12.
Bombing attacks on Target A.2.8. (KREFOLD VERDINGDEN).
2110 Three Wellington aircraft carried out individual attacks on target in accordance with instructions contained in Form “B” 133 of 12/5/40. Target easily located and bombed but results not observed due to evasive action being taken owing to intense searchlight activity. Bombs also dropped on transport columns. Numerous fires noticed on both sides of RHINE. A.A. fire active but not accurate over target and RUHR areas. One enemy aircraft seen but identify not established. Weather good and clear, light from Moon. All aircraft landed safely at Base by 02.00 hours on 13/5/40.

Aircraft.              Raid Serial No.                   Captain.
P.9206.                  TCB.192.                                S/Ldr. Kay.C.E.
P.9209.                  TCB.193.                                F/Lt. Breckon. A.A.N.
R.3159.                  TCB.194.                                F/O. Coleman. W.H.

1255 Two aircraft carried out Cross Country flight of three hours duration. All down at 1600 hrs.

Surface Wind:      Light variable , less than 15 m.p.h. to 2000 feet.
Upper Wind:        At 6000ft, 310-330 degrees, 20-25 m.p.h.
Weather:               Fine to Fair.
Cloud:                    Little or no cloud at first , becoming 3/10-7/10 at 3000ft. Increasing amounts of medium & high cloud. Cloud clearing considerably in most parts during evening.
Visibility.                Good, falling to 3 miles locally from dusk.

May. 13.
Nothing of importance occurred today.

Surface Wind:      West to W.N.W. 10-15 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        2000-6000ft, 270-290 dgs, 20-25 m.p.h.
Weather:              Fair.
Cloud:                   6/10 to 9/10 at 2000-3000ftdecreasing to nil-4/10 towards sunset during evening.
Visibility.               Good.

May. 14.

0910 Three aircraft carried out Air firing over The Wash until 1705 hours.
2230 Two aircraft carried out Night Bombing Practice at Berners Heath successfully by 0025 hrs.

Surface Wind:       South West 5-10 m.p.h. becoming S.W. – S.S.W. 10 – 15 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        2000-6000ft, 260 dgs, 20 m.p.h. becoming 240 dgs 30 m.p.h.
Weather:              Fair.
Cloud:                   Small amounts of shallow cumulus at 3000ft. Increasing high cloud in evening patches at 1000ft – 2000ft.
Visibility.               Good.

May. 15.
Bombing Attack of Target A.79 (HOLTEN STERKRADE) and Target A.H.18 (BRIDGES AT TURNOUT).
21.25 Three aircraft attempted to attack target A.79 and three A.H.18, all attacks being made independently. Only TCB.210 able to find target owing to exceptionally poor visibility, and by this aircraft stick of 12 bombs dropped on bridge over canal at TURNOUT, bursts observed. Four aircraft returned with bombs, 5th. Jettisoned load in sea. Many fires observed, A.A. fire slight over target but heavy over Holland. Searchlights numerous, no enemy aircraft seen, weather very hazy over all areas.

03.50. All aircraft had returned safely, but operations a failure owing to weather conditions.

Aircraft.              Raid Serial No.                  Captain.                               Target Area.
P.9209.                  TCB.201.                                F/Lt. Breckon.                       A.79.
P.9212.                  TCB.202.                                F/O. Williams.                       A.79.
P.9206.                  TCB.203.                                P/O. Freeman.                      A.79.
R.3157.                  TCB.210                                 F/O. Collins.                          A.H.18.
R.3156.                  TCB.212.                                F/O. Lucas.                            A.H.18.
R.3159.                  TCB.211.                                F/O. Coleman.                      A.H.18.

Surface Wind:   Easterly 15 – 20 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:      2000-6000ft, 140-160 dgs, 25-35 m.p.h.
Weather:           Fair at first, thundery showery later.
Cloud:                Small amounts of low cloud at first, but 6/10-8/10 locally at 2000-3000ft later becoming 10/10 at 1000ft with fragments at 600ft in showers.
Visibility.             5-10 miles falling to 1-2 miles in heavier showers.

Pilot Officer Miller W.J. G.D. posted to this unit from No. 40 Squadron, Wytton w.e.f. 15/5/40.

May. 16.

Nothing of importance occurred today.

Surface Wind:      East to northeasterly 20-25 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        2000-6000ft, 080-110 dgs, 15-20 m.p.h.
Weather:              Fine with some haze near towns.
Cloud:                   little or no cloud, varying amounts of medium and high cloud.
Visibility.               10-20 miles except near towns at first, faling 4-6 miles towards end of period.

(Bombing attacks on targets A.64, A.73, A.79, M.435, M.464, M.458, AC.6 & 7.)
2110. Six aircraft commenced taking off to carry out independent raids on the above targets. Targets AC.6 &7 were successfully bombed, direct hits being observed .A.73 also successfully attacked and also a convoy at VALHENSWAARD, six direct hits being observed.

TCB.215 was also successful and bombed Blast Furnaces of target in RUHR although results not known due to intense searchlight activity, but mechanised unit attacked later and direct hits observed. TCB216 and 217 failed to locate targets and returned to Base with bomb load. Bombs dropped on target A.64 by TCB.218 only after difficulty due to low cloud. On the whole targets were hard to locate due to slight ground haze. Illuminated drome 8 miles West of WESEL thought to be a dummy. A.A. fire active and light flak intense and accurate and all aircraft held in searchlight beams. Due to fog at Base, aircraft landed at other dromes.

Aircraft.              Raid No.             Captain.                            Target.
P.9206.                  TCB.215.              S/L. Kay.C.E.                       AC.6 & 7.
R.3152.                  TCB.214.              P/O. Freeman.T.C.            A.75.
R.3159.                  TCB.217.              F/O. Coleman.W.H.           A.64 & M.464.
R.3157.                  TCB.216.              F/O. Collins.J.                     A.79.
R.3156.                  TCB.215.              F/O.Williams.R.                  M.435.
P9209.                   TCB.219.              F/L. Breckon.A.A.N.           A.64.

Surface Wind:   North Easterly 5–10 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:     2000-6000ft, 040 dgs-070dgs, 15-35 m.p.h.
Weather:            Cloudy at first, becoming fair to fine with fog later.
Cloud:                 6/10-9/10 @ 1000-2000ft @ first, lifting and breaking later. Considerable periods with almost clear skies later otherwise small amounts above 2,500ft.
Visibility.             5-10 miles.

May. 18.

Nothing of importance occurred today.

Surface Wind:  Winds Northeast to East less than 15 m.p.h. up to 6,000 feet.
Weather:          Fair after morning fog.
Visibility.           6 -12 miles.

One aircraft P.9210 with P/O. Freeman (Captain) carried out a cross country flight of 7 hours duration to Wick and return.

May. 19.
Seven aircraft carried out individual attacks on different targets. Bombing carried successfully over most targets, except by KCB.256 who received a heavy burst of machine-gun fire, a bullet striking the 2nd. Pilot in right shoulder and the main bonded cable for bomb release equipment shot away, making it impossible to release the bomb load. Many fires were seen, visibility excellent, A.A. fire extremely heavy and accurate in target areas, and four machines sustained hits, one having a 5” shell pass right through the port aileron, without exploding. Searchlights active and accurate and a few enemy aircraft seen.

Aircraft.              Raid Serial No.                   Captain.                              Target Area.
P.9206.                  KCB.238.                                S/L. Kay.C.E.                        GIVET
P.9209.                  KCB.237.                                F/Lt. Breckon.                     FUMAY.
P.9212.                  KCB.240.                                F/O. Williams.                     SENEFF.
R.3157.                  KCB.256.                                F/O. Collins.                        HAYBES.
R.3158.                  KCB.235.                                P/O. Freeman.                    SENEFF.
R.3159.                  KCB.241.                                F/O. Coleman.                     HAYBES.
R.3168.                  KCB.239.                                F/O. Lucas.                          FUMAY.

One aircraft carried out bombing and air firing practice at Berners Heath.

Surface Wind:     Light North to Northeasterly.
Upper Wind:       2000 – 6000ft, 080 – 100 dgs, 15-20 m.p.h.
Weather:             Fine.
Cloud:                  2-4 tenths at 3,000 – 5,000 ft. Dispersing after dusk.
Visibility.              10 – 15 miles.

Nothing of importance occurred today.

F/O. J. Adams returned from Boscombe Down on completion of VHF course.

Both targets were successfully attacked, but hits not observed due to intense searchlight activity, aircraft being held in beams from 5 to 8 minutes. Light and heavy flak experienced. One aircraft failed to locate target and returned with bombs, and one aircraft (KCB.266) failed to return.

Aircraft.              Raid Serial No.                   Captain.                               Target Area.
P.9209.                  KCB.248.                                F/Lt. Breckon.                      AACHEN.
L.7784.                  KCB.249.                                F/O. Coleman.                      AACHEN.
L.7797.                  KCB.252.                                S/Ldr. Collett.                       AACHEN.
P.9212.                  KCB.253.                                F/O. Williams.                      AACHEN.
R.3168.                  KCB.256.                                P/O. Williams.                      AACHEN.
R.3167.                  KCB.257.                                F/O. Lucas.                           AACHEN.
R.3171.                  KCB.267.                                F/O. Adams.                         DINANT.
R.3157.                  KCB.266.                                F/O. Collins                           DINANT (Failed to Return).

Surface Wind:     Southeast to Easterly 10-15 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:       2000 – 6000ft, 120–130 degrees m.p.h.
Weather:              Fine to fair or cloudy, slight chance of thunderstorms late in period.
Cloud:                   Small amounts of low cloud, dispersing after dusk.
Visibility.               5-10 miles deteriorating to 4-6 miles.

Formation of new flight.
Additional personnel posted to this unit for formation of extra flight, so making unit into a Squadron and no longer just a flight. Divided into two flights “A” and “B”.

May. 22.

Nothing of importance occurred today.

Surface and Upper Wind:     Winds variable mainly less than 20 m.p.h. up 6000ft.
Weather:           Rain at times with risk of local thunder.
Cloud:                8-10/10 at times falling to 500-1000ft in rain.
Visibility.            4-8 miles falling to 1-2 miles at times in rain deteriorating to 1-3 miles locally after midnight.

May. 23.
Six aircraft detailed to carry out individual bombing attacks but just prior to taking off one machine developed engine trouble and did not go. (KCB.274). Remaining five aircraft with exception of KCB.281 located target and bombed same, but KCB.281 located convoy of 50 vehicles in road between WAVRE and GENBLOUX which he bombed, also row of searchlights bordering NAMUR. On whole observations of ground activity obscured due to cloud. Light and heavy flak experienced by all, and also searchlights active and accurate operating in groups up to 12 in most areas. No enemy machines observed throughout flight.

Aircraft.              Raid Serial No.                   Captain.                                Target.
P.9206.                  KCB.272.                                S/Ldr. Kay.                             AR.18.
R.3871.                  KCB.273.                                F/O. Adams.                          AR.18.
P.9209.                  KCB.279.                                S/Ldr. Collett.                       AR.19.
R.3167.                  KCB.280.                                F/O. Lucas.                            AR.19.
R.3159.                  KCB.281.                                F/O. Coleman.                      AR.19.

Surface Wind:     Winds variable, mainly southeasterly.
Upper Wind:        Less than 13 m.p.h. up to 6000ft.
Weather:              Fair after morning fog, cloud patches of lifted fog on surface locally dispersing in fore noon. Nil to 3/10 convection cloud 3000ft this afternoon.
Visibility.                 Less than 500 yads, locally at first but soon improving to 4-8 miles.

Appointments and Promotions.
77360 P/O. Mitchell.W.J. (adjutant) G.D. appointed Acting Flying Officer.


Blind flying practice carried out in one machine.

Surface Wind:     South to Southwest 10-15 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        2000-6000ft. 220-240 degrees 20-25 m.p.h.
Weather:              Fair with chance of local showers.
Cloud.                   5/10 6/10 at 2,500 feet.
Visibility.               Becoming 3-6 miles generally.

(Bombing attacks on target AR.10. And Standing Patrol between COURTRAI and BRUSSELS and attacking enemy troops in vicinity.)
Six aircraft detailed to carry out attacks on target AR.10 and two reconnaissance between COURTRAI and BRUSSELS. One of the six aircraft returned to Base with engine trouble which developed while crossing the English coast on outward journey, two were unable to locate target, but bombed surrounding roads and woods. Three who did locate target and bombed it started many fires. No troop movements observed by aircraft on reconnaissance, but railway junctions at ENGHIEN and NINOVE bombed.

Aircraft.               Raid Serial No.                   Captain.                                Target.
R.3171.                  NCB.286.                                F/O. Adams.                          Reconnaiss. COURTRAI-BRUSSELS.
P.9209.                  NCB.239.                                F/Lt. Breckon.                      ,,             ,,
L.7784.                  NCB.293.                                P/O. Freeman.                     AR.10.
R.3167.                  NCB.294.                                F/O. Lucas.                            AR.10.
R.3168,                  NCB.295.                                P/O. Williams.                        AR.10.
P.9206.                  NCB.296.                                S/Ldr. Kay.                             AR.10.
P.9222.                  NCB.297.                                F/O. Williams.                        AR.10.

Surface Wind:     Southeasterly 10-15 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        2000ft. 180 degrees 15 – 20 m.p.h. 6000ft 200 degrees 20-25 m.p.h.
Weather:              Fair.

May. 26.

Nothing of importance occurred today.


15.20 One aircraft P.9207 carried out dual landings Base – Northampton – Benson and returned same route until 16.35 hours.

Surface Wind:     Southwesterly 5 -15 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        2000-6000ft. 230-250 degrees 20-25 m.p.h.
Weather:               Local thunderstorms and showers becoming less frequent after dusk.
Cloud.                    Mainly 5-8/10 at 2000ft increasing to 10/10 and base falling to 800ft in showers, long cloudless periods after dusk.
Visibility.                 6-12 miles generally at first but 1 mile in rain and falling to 2-4 miles near end of period.

(Bombing Operations ROULERS AND MENIN.)
Seven aircraft detailed to carry individual attacks, but only two able to definitely locate target due to bad visibility. A mixed bomb load was carried. NCB.308 and 316 who found target report that they successfully bombed it, results not observed by lattor due to pall of smoke, but former states that direct hits were seen on centre of target and many lights seen to extinguish. The night poor for observations, only thing of importance reported was the number of large fires around all main centres.

Aircraft.               Serial No.                            Captain.                                Target.
R.3166.                  NCB.307.                                S/Ldr.Collett.                        ROULERS.
L.7794.                   NCB.308.                               P/O/. Freeman.                    ROULERS.
R.3168.                  NCB.309.                                F/O. Lucas.                            ROULERS.
R.3165.                  NCB.314.                                F/O. Coleman.                      MENIN.
R.3171.                  NCB.315.                                F/O. Adams.                          MENIN.
P.9212.                  NCB.316.                                F/O. Williams.                        MENIN.
P.9209.                  NCB.317.                                F/Lt. Breckon.                       MENIN.

Surface Wind:     S.S.W. to W.S.W. , 5 -10 m.p.h.
Weather:              Cloudy with local rain at first becoming fair. Early morning mist and local patches of fog.
Cloud.                     8-10/10 at 6-1000ft in rain becoming 5-8/10 at 2000-3000ft and rapidly diminishing to almost no cloud after nightfall, much medium and high cloud.
Visibility.                 4-6 miles deteriorating to 1-2 miles in early morning mist, less than 1000 yads in local fog patches.


Nothing of importance occurred today.

Surface Wind:     Light variable becoming Northwesterly 5 -15 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        2000-6000ft. 290-320 degrees 20 m.p.h.
Weather:                Occasional rain and North East of area local thunderstorms or thundery showers. Fair later. Local fog inland at night.
Cloud.                     6-9/10 at 1500-2000ft falling to 6-1000ft in storms 10/10 at 1000ft at first in Northeast of area. Cloud diminishing later.
Visibility.                 5-10 miles, 3-4 miles, in heavier rain. Deteriorating towards end of period to less than 500 yards in local fog.


Nothing of importance occurred today.

(Bombing Attacks on Target G.1. Nieuport.)
Nine aircraft detailed to carry out individual attacks on target, but one failed to do so and returned to Base with bombs. Seven aircraft successfully attacked target at NIEUPORT and large fires started, but one aircraft missed the target NIEUPORT so attacked dock area at OSTEND, registering many direct hits. Night poor for observations, but many fires around DUNKIRK. Very little A.A. fire experienced, some searchlights put out of action with machine-gun fire. No enemy aircraft seen.

Aircraft.               Raid Serial No.                  Captain.                                Target.
R.3159.                  PCB.320.                                F/O. Coleman.                      NIEUPORT.
R.3157.                  PCB.321.                                F/O. Lucas.                               ‘’
R.3168.                  PCB.324.                                P/O. Williams.                           ‘’
P.9206.                  PCB.326.                                S/Ldr. Kay.                                ,,
R.3166.                  PCB.327.                                S/Ldr. Collett.                          ,,
L.7784.                   PCB.329.                                P/O. Freeman.                        ,,
R.3171.                  PCB.330.                                F/O. Adams.                             ,,
P.9212.                  PCB.332.                                F/O. Williams.                           ,,
P.9209.                  PCB.555.                                F/Lt. Breckon                           ,,

Surface Wind:     W to NW. 5-0 m.p.h.
Upper Wind:        2000-6000ft. 280-300 degrees 10-15 m.p.h.
Weather:                Fair.
Cloud.                     Variable amounts strato-cumulus at 2000-3000ft at first, probably dispersing later. Medium cloud appearing during night.
Visibility.                 6-12 miles deteriorating to 2 miles, by dawn.

Continue these records – June

2 thoughts on “May 1940

  1. Reg Mulder

    As I do not have the ORB at hand I will post some of the obvious miswriting/misreading here without verification.

    may 1. Island is called TEXEL
    may 12. City is KREFELD UERDINGEN
    may 17. Town is VALKENSWAARD
    may 23. Town is GEMBLOUX

    for the raids of 21 may the ORB from 115th Squadron at Marham states.

    22.00 Two aircraft took off with four aircraft from 38 squadron, twenty two from MILDENHALLl, and twenty from FELTWELL attacked bridges at DINANT and NAMUR and railway centre at AACHEN. (Opr Instr No 29 app C33 Form B146 App C38)

    As I am researching into the fate of R3202 of 115th I am very much interested in the ORB’s from the first week of august 1940.



    1. 75nzsquadron Post author

      Hi Reg – thank you for these corrections, however, we approach the transcription of the ORB records where ever possible ‘as is’. I am aware of a multitude of different spellings for target destinations, but as always with these things, its potentially too easy to correct everything, perhaps sometimes to the point where the final transcription has been heavily altered/ corrected. My advice to transcribers with this project has always been to type what is there – the only thing that we correct is the names of airmen, to try to avoid confusion and also to assist identification by relatives.



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